Solar Panel Scheme to Benefit Landlords
In the next month, a $4 million trial will be lofted by the Government with the purpose of helping landlords set up solar panels into their rental properties.
Mark Bailey, the Energy Minister, stated that the Palaszczuk Government is thinking about removing the barriers that hinder landlords from adopting solar in the market.
Currently rental tenants were unable to access the benefits of solar PV because there was limited incentive for landlords to invest in solar.
According to Bailey, they will conduct a $4 million trial to help landlords and tenants divide the cost of installing solar systems.
It will be offered to 1000 houses during the trial and will provide landlords with incentives such as no interest loans, a rebate off the original cost and system monitoring equipments.
The government is hoping to be able to help landlords and tenants save and as well as assist in breaking down the current barriers.
For more information regarding the No Interest Loans Scheme and the Rental Trial (will be open for applications by March 2018), simply email the Minister’s office:
As the leading state for solar energy in the entire country, Queensland has about 464,000 properties (30% of homes) that have installed solar panels on the roof.
$21 million is being invested by the Palaszczuk Government in order to develop household storage batteries and make access to solar panels a lot easier.
Solar panels and batteries are indeed an efficient way of cutting electricity bills of households and small businesses. It’s just that the initial cost is too much for some.
The Palaszczuk Government will be offering no-interest loans to help those Queenslanders who cannot afford the upfront capital required to invest in solar and battery. This is to help lower their bills and allow them to participate in a clean energy future.
These households who are taking up no-interest loans will be will be able to apply for up to $2000 worth of rebate on battery systems.
Starting March 2018, Queenslanders will be able to apply and they can expect up to $700 annual savings if they take up the solar. Their savings are also expected to reach up to $1,600 once their loan is paid off.
This scheme will ultimately allow up to 20,000 households and small businesses to manage their own electricity consumption and address concerns about affordability.
In addition to the advantages stated above, this is also expected to boost the battery manufacturing business in Queensland, sequentially promoting local jobs and business growth.