Ensuring Water Efficiency At Your Rental Property
What are the standards for a home that is water efficient?
For toilets, as rated under the Water Efficiency and Labelling Standards scheme (WELS), toilets should have a minimum 4-star dual flush.
For showerheads, a minimum 3-star WELS rated showerheads.
For tapware, a minimum 3-star WELS rated for kitchen sinks, basins and laundry troughs.
Landlords and Property Managers are typically responsible for water efficiency at a rental property. However, Landlords are able to pass on the full cost of water consumption, provided the rental premises are individually metered, the rental premises are water efficient, and the tenancy agreement states the tenant must pay for water consumption
There is no legal requirement for a water efficiency certificate from a plumber although it is recommended best practice to provide evidence to the tenant should there be a dispute about the property being water efficient.
Water conservation is essential. The purpose of these requirements is to assist in reducing the demand on our water resources and infrastructure.
For property owners, consider installing water efficient fixtures and fittings to cut down on water bills.
Water conservation and water efficiency will ensure your tenants are happy and your investment property is in top condition.
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