A Guide to Body Corporate By-Laws and Pet Approval
When leasing a property that is part of a strata community, you must always consider the body corporate by-laws, especially when it comes to pet approval.
By-laws are presented to each lot owner and will generally regulate the way in which approval can be sought and some by-laws have a clear direction as to pre-approved pets and conditions.
If a tenant has a disability under the Guide, Hearing & Assistance Dogs Act 2009 and they rely on their animal, there is no requirement to ask permission to have the animal on the premise, these animals are not considered pets.
If there is no specific by-law that regulates animals in the scheme, you do not need to ask for permission to keep a pet within your lot. However, you must still consider the other body corporate by-laws, such as noise.
You should consider if the tenant’s pet is suitable for living in your lot, as well as your scheme, and whether the pet is likely to cause a nuisance to other occupiers in your scheme.
A common by-law about animals is one that allows animals if you get approval first; usually the committee can decide. If a pet application is refused, the Landlord does have the right to dispute the decision.
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